Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bucks County ~ Naturally

To the Parents and Teachers of Bucks County
I would like to express an undying “Thank You” for what you do!

I am Rick Mikula and I have been lecturing about butterflies for the past 25 years. In that time I have traveled to many wonderful places and met some very astounding people. But the high point of every one of those years is when I get to revisit the elementary schools of Bucks County. That is why I need to personally thank the Parents and Teachers of B.C.

I visit many schools around the country and the elementary students in B.C. are always so bright, so polite, so eager to learn, I could just go on. Where does that come from? It starts with ‘You’ the parents who send their children to school ready to tackle the day and eager to learn. It continues with some of the most devoted teachers and administrators I have ever met. Parents your children are in great hands at school. Trust me I know. I have been to a LOT OF SCHOOLS yours are great and the atmosphere inside is so positive that I never want presentations to end. An hour program seems like a minute in a Bucks County school. There are other schools that just half way through a program I quietly think to myself “If I am ever going to get a heart attack, Can it please be now? But not in B.C. There I think “Does this have to end?”

So let me personally thank the Teachers of Pine Run, Groveland, Barkley, Kutz, Butler, Mill Creek, Buckingham, Jamison, Bridle Path, and Montgomery Elementary Schools for what a fantastic job they are doing with their students.

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